Friday, January 15, 2016

Give a Little Love

It is quite easy to get lost in to our day to day responsibilities and end up spending less time with our partner. This is just one of the reasons that most people find themselves feeling neglected at some stage in their romantic relationships. With all our running around, who has time for romance? 

Call it romance, call it flirting, i call it "Giving a Little Love". 

Lets take a moment to remember the reasons you are in a relationship with your partner; It is probably because of the way they made you feel special. Or the little things that he/she did that made them special in your eyes. Was it the unexpected text message on your phone, or the surprise dinner after a hard day, or even the little compliments on your outfit or hair that gave your ego a little boost? All of these things were that special person Giving you a Little Love. 

So ask your self a few simple questions before you blame your spouse for neglecting you. Do you remember what he/she was wearing when you left the house this morning? It is half way through your working day, have you picked up your phone to send him/her a text message? Your are making a playlist for your car, did you add his/her favorite song to the list? 

If your answers to the above questions were "No" this does not make you a bad person or that you do not love your partner; it just means that you have probably been concerned with other things that have slowly taken over your ability to "Give a Little Love". 

Now imagine that you and your spouse have opened a joined "Love account" (a bank account where each of you would be depositing gestures of Love instead of Money. Remember that that the point of this account is not to see who has deposited the most, but your ultimate goal should be to deposit as much as you can to make your partner happy and avoid anything that will make them unhappy. 

Once your "Love units" start growing so will the feeling of being in love grow between the two of you. And if both partners follow the simple rule of depositing as much as they can, then both partners emotional needs should be met. 

Give your love unconditionally. Meaning that when you deposit a love unit you should not wait for the equivalent unit to be deposited from your partner. Remember that this is a joint account and both of you will prosper from the savings no matter who has added more frequently. 

Last but not least; learn to appreciate all the Love units that have been deposited from both partners. When your partner says I LOVE YOU, make sure that you are listening.  

"Give a little love."
xoxo Natasha

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