Thursday, January 21, 2016

4 Myths about Breastfeeding- 4ης Μύθοι για τον Θηλάσμο.

As a breastfeeding mom, everyone will be eager to share with you some of their "helpful" advice. Within this advice it is very possible that you might stumble upon one of the bellow myths. Don't allow the bellow to confuse you./
Ως θηλάζουσα μητέρα, όλοι θα έχουν μια "χρήσιμη" συμβουλή να σας δώσουν. Στα πλαίσια αυτά, μπορεί να ακούσετε και κάποιους μύθους. Μην τους επιτρέψετε να σας συνχύσουν. 

1. A breastfeeding mom, should drink as many fluids as possible./ Μια θηλάζουσα μητέρα θα πρέπει να πίνει όσο το δυνατόν περισσότερα υγρά.
This is not necessarily true.The amount of fluids you drink wont affect the amount of your breast milk. Actually, drinking more fluids that necessary may reduce the amount of breast milk. 2 or 3 litters of fluids daily is enough; and you should consume fluids only when you feel thirsty. Do not force extra fluids down./
Αυτό δεν είναι απαραίτητα σωστό. Η ποσότητα υγρών που καταναλώνετε δεν επηρεάζει την ποσότητα του μητρικού γάλακτος. Τυχόν υπερβολική ποσότητα λαμβανόμενων υγρών μπορέι μάλιστα να μειώσει την ποσότητα μητρικού γάλακτος. 2 ή 3 λίτρα υγρών ημερησίως συνήθως αρκούν. Και να πίνετε μόνον όποτε διψάτε.

2. You have to wait 2 hours between every feeding./ Πρέπει υποχρεωτικά να μεσολαβούν κατ' ελάχστον δύο ώρες μεταξύ των θηλασμών.
It is your own baby that regulates the feedings as milk will be provided on demand. Therefore there is no specific amount of time necessary to wait before each feeding./
Όχι. Το ίδιο το μώρο σας καθορίζει το προσωπικό του μοτίβο θηλασμών, συνεπώς δεν είναι υποχρεοτικό να υπάρχει κάποιο συγκεκριμένο χρονικό διάστημα μεταξύ των θηλασμών. 

3. Breastfeeding causes your hair to shed./ Ο θηλασμός προκαλεί τριχόπτωση.
Loss of hair during pregnancy is common and has nothing to do with breastfeeding. Actually breastfeeding mothers tend to loose hair later than woman who do not breastfeed. Due to the affect that pregnancy has on your hormones, the lifespan of your hair gets longer; therefore you tend to shed less hair than usual. After birth your hormones change again. Once this happens, you will tend to have your usual hair shed plus the hair shed of the hair which life span was prolonged up to now by the pregnancy. This may give you the illusion that there is more hair shed during breastfeeding./
Η απώλεια μαλλιών κατά την εγκυμοσύνη είναι φυσιολογική και δεν έχει καμία σχέση με το θηλασμό, Μάλιστα, οι θηλάζουσες γυναίκες τείνουν να χάνουν τα μαλλία τους αργότερα από τις άλλες. Λόγω των επιπτώσεων που έχει η εγκυμοσύνη στις ορμόνες σας, ο κύκλος ζωής κάθε τρίχας παρατείνεται και, συνεπώς, χάνετε λιγότερες τρίχες απ΄οτι συνήθως, θα πέσουν κι εκείνες που δεν είχαν πέσει κατά την εγκυμοσύνη. Αυτό δινεί την εντύπωση ότι, κατά το θηλασμό, η απώλεια μαλλιών είναι έντονη.

4. Breastfeeding will cause your breasts to drop./ Ο θηλασμός προκαλεί πτώση του στήθους.
If a woman is breastfeeding or not, this has no long term effect on the appearance of her breasts. It is actually impossible to know that a woman has breastfed once lactation has come to an end although you might still be able to tell that a woman was pregnant. Changes in a woman's breasts are caused by pregnancy it self and not breastfeeding. For these changes to no longer be noticeable, a long period of time would have to pass and still changes of the breast may never go back to how they were before pregnancy. Nevertheless changes in a woman's breasts are ultimately unavoidable even if pregnancy does not take place; sooner or latter all woman notice changes according to the connective tissue of her breasts./
Είτε μια γυναίκα θηλάσει είτε όχι, αυτό δεν έχει μακροπρόθεσμες συνέπειες στην εξωτερική εμφάνιση του στήθους της. Μέτα τον απογαλακτισμό, είναι αδύνατο να διακρίνει κανείς αν μια γυναίκα έχει θηλάσει, ωστόσο είναι δυνατό να διακρίνει κανείς εάν ήταν έγκυος. Οι αλλαγές στους μαστούς δεν προκαλουνται απο το θηλασμό αλλά απο την εγκυμοσύνη και για να εξαλειφθούν αυτές, πρέπει να περάσει αρκετός χρόνος. Δεν επανέρχονται τα πάντα στην προ εγκυμοσύνης κατάσταση. Οι γυναίκες με αδύναμο συνδετικό ιστό θα πρεπεί να περιμένουν μεγαλύτερες αλλαγές. Ωστόσο, αργά ή γρήγορα, θα επέλθει πτώση του στήθους σε ολές τις γυναίκες, ανεξάρτητα εάν είχαν μείνει ποτέ έγκυοι ή όχι. 

From: Marathon Trading, Medela Cyprus

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

3 Secrets to a Healthy Relationship

On a daily bases we tend to make mistakes that can make us seem less friendly or even unapproachable to others. These mistakes come from our human nature and it will take a little effort to avoid making such mistakes over and over again. The secret it that these mistakes just like "bad habits" are the cause of a lot of damage; in this case it affects our relationships no matter if they are friendships, romantic relationships or even business related.

Blame and Criticism

One of the hardest things for a human to do, is admit to his/her faults. We tend to blame others rather than our selves; and when we do blame we criticize too. Criticism leads the person being criticized to act in a defensive manner and attempt to justify his/her actions. When we criticize we hurt others pride and sense of importance which almost always ends in others resentment toward us. Criticism and Blame are a great danger for our relationships with others.


When we expose the faults of others we are condemning them and therefore also demoralizing them. Will they thank us for doing so? Ofcourse not! They will most probably justify themselves and in return condemn you as well.


The third most common mistake we all fall in to the trap of making is complaining. This happens because humans are not solemnly creatures of logic but mostly and first of all we are creatures of emotions. We tend to speak out of emotion before thinking of the logic reaction that our actions may cause; So the next time you have the urge to complain about a situation try to practice some self-control and understanding. Also, people who complain tend to be seen by others as a drag. Lets admit it, it is no fun to spend time with someone who finds fault in everything and who is most likely to find fault in you too.
So as the great Dale Carnegie wrote in his book "How to make Friends and Influence People"

'Don't criticize, condemn or complain'

The importance of a Smile

Everyone wants to leave a mark in this world and maybe even make a change. What we do not realize is that we are able to make a difference with a small action that will create a large impact; Actions speak louder than words and a simple heartfelt Smile says, 'I am happy to meet you or see you again, I like you, I enjoy your company. You make me happy.

Advantages of a Smile

With a smile, you immediately create a positive impact and send a positive vibe out. Others will find you more approachable and even tend to be more attracted to you. Also people may tend to treat you in a more positive and enthusiastic manner when you smile.
The above are just a few advantages that wearing a smile may offer you. Science has proved that when we smile we instantly  promote the release of "Happy" hormones known as Endorphins.  Endorphins reduce our stress levels contributing to our general well being. A smile is the easiest and cheapest medicine for stress, anxiety and depression.

What if i simply do not feel like smiling?

It is natural that when we are feeling upset, stressed or sad putting a smile on our face may feel ridiculous or even imitative. But according to philosopher William James 'Action seems to follow feelings, but really action and feeling go together; and by regulating the action, which is under the more direct control of the will, we can indirectly regulate the feeling, which is not.
So yes, you may need to force yourself to smile; this may be more comfortable and easy to do if you are alone. It also may help to listen to music that makes you feel happy or even sing or hum a song. It you act as if you are already happy the emotions and genuine feelings will eventually follow.
Stand out of the frowning crowd. Your smile will make a difference in the lives of those who witness it, it will create a positive impression and memory of you to others.

Smile and chances are that you will be smiled back at.


Friday, January 15, 2016

Let Go and Communicate

We all have our backgrounds from which we come from, situations in the past which have shaped us and lessons we have learnt from. A common mistake most of us make is to carry our past on our shoulders and take it with us wherever we go. This habit is usually one of the big reasons we find it difficult to lead happy lives. We allow our previous experiences to determine who we are today and the fear of making past mistakes to prohibit us from moving forward.

  Let it go 

Have you ever been in a discussion with your partner which started probably because of a minor current event, but somehow you end up fighting about problems and events that have happened in the past? This is not only pointless in the attempt of resolving the current issue but may also in most cases ends up being very confusing. 

So let’s make it simple. If you are upset because your spouse has done or not done something that has hurt your feelings or bothered you in some way; Communicate this to them without falling off track. For instance: Are you upset because you feel like you are lifting most of the wait at home and believe that your spouse should be contributing more? Well then say so! Ask for their help in a kind and respectful manner. They are probably used to you doing most of the house chores and because you do not express that you need help, they probably think you don’t want it. Or maybe you have tried to express it to them in a nonproductive manner? 

So instead of saying things like: 
‘You don’t help me enough around here and you take it for granted that I will always do everything, just like that time when we went to … and I had to do everything by myself because you could not give a damn!’ 

Try something like: 
‘I am feeling very tired today and need some help. Would you mind tiding up in the living room while I take a shower?' 

Keep it clean and simple. Do not evoke old bad memories that are bound to get you even more worked up and upset. Chances are that you will get better results this way. If you do keep recalling his/her previous mistakes, your spouse probably will feel overwhelmed and not know where to start even if they do want to correct their mistakes. If they believe that you resent them for things that they have done in the past and for which they cannot do anything about now; it is probable that this will cause withdrawal from the relationship over time. 

So the past is in the past for a reason. Besides your spouse must have done something right for you to want to be with them today! Learn from your past; use it as a stepping stone to create a better present and future. Don’t evoke feeling that have made you sad in the past because they are bound to make you sad in the present to, if you do so.

Make a choice to be a happier person and to learn how to let go of the things that are weighing you down.

Xoxo Natasha

My Roaccutane-Accutane-Isotretinoin Experience

In October, 2011 I had my first doctor’s appointment to get my acne problem checked.  At 26 years this was the first time I have had problems with my skin. During my teen years when all my friends were naturally going through breakouts, my skin never gave me any problems besides the one or two spots during the month. Now all of a sudden I was suffering from constant breakouts, persistent spots that would last for months and the fact that my face was always saw to the touch was really tiring me out. 

For months before, I had tried Over The Counter skin care products and when that did not work I tried antibiotics which did not have any noticeable results. This was when I decided to see a dermatologist and find the reason for this all of a sudden change. 

On my first appointment with the doctor; we ruled out some suspicions for the cause of this problem which included stress relation, hormone imbalance and large lifestyle changes. The doctor then suggested I start a treatment of at least 6 months of Isotretinoin (commonly known as Accutane – Roaccutane) and that the reason for my breakouts were probably due to the fact that I had not been through this during puberty. So basically I was going through some kind of delayed puberty :/ 

My doctor started to explain that this medication was quite strong and that it most probably (almost defiantly) would have a lot of undesired side effects. I imagine that this would of scarred a lot of people from going on this medication, but as I was so tired of my sore face and as I was told by the doctor that I would have to wait about 1 year after taking this medication to fall pregnant; I decided that it was now or never. The doctor then took a blood sample and handed me the prescription for the medication on Friday. I was strictly told not to put the prescription in to use untill the results of my blood test said “Go”. 

On Monday after speaking to the doctor on the phone and getting the final ok; I purchased my first prescription of the medication and started immediately after a full meal. My dose was 10 mg in the morning after a good breakfast and 20 mg at night after dinner. 

After a couple of weeks I was already witnessing the first side effects that were to my judgment quite violent to my self-esteem. My face had looked worst then it ever had. My lips were extremely dry and I was constantly thirsty.  

In November 2011 I had my second doctor’s appointment. The doctor said that for the first month I was right on track, he took another blood sample and handed me my second prescription. He needed not ask me about the side effects as they were quite visible. 

For my second month on my medication I did not feel like going out where I could be seen, avoided meeting up with my boyfriend and hide my face behind my hair when I had to go to the market or any other public place. Going to work also made me feel uncomfortable especial when people stared.  
On my third appointment in December 2011, the doctor was concerned about my spirits and asked me if I was having difficulty getting out of bed in the morning. At this point, although my self-esteem had taken a hard blow; I was still determined to go through with the treatment and hopefully get rid of this problem once and for all! I told the doctor I was fine and i continued with the medication for another month. 

During my third month of Isotretinoin I started feeling extremely tired and took frequent naps during the day. My lips were so dry that I had to have a tube of Vaseline in my hand bag and apply every 15 minutes.  I also felt that any physical labor was almost impossible.  

Christmas and New Years went by and I did not feel like my usual self! 

In January I had my 4th doctor’s appointment and made sure to let the doctor know that I was feeling a bit depressed and extremely tired. The doctor said that this was normal and reassured me that once the treatment was over that i would almost immediately feel better. His words helped me stay on track and remember that it will be worth it in the long run. 

For my forth and fifth month on this medication I felt quite run down and continued avoiding other people and going out. My hobby which is attending dance classes started feeling like a chore due to pain in my joints and sensitive bones. In class I (and everybody else) could literally hear my bones clicking : / If I remember well I must have had a few absences at attending my dance classes. 

At this point my skin was very sensitive as I felt that the layers of skin covering my face were thin sore and dry. Where every spot had broken out I was now left with a dark red patch and I was still having random (not so frequent) spots come up. 

At my 6th appointment I wanted to now stop the medication. My skin was clear of spots but now full of red patches. I was quite disappointed and tired! My eyesight was also a bit week and getting through 8 hours of work in front of the PC was a challenge. My doctor advised me to keep on going for as long as I can and that this way there would be less chance of breakouts to reappear. 

Although I was exhausted I listened to my doctor and continued through my 6th and an then one extra month.  

At the end of my seventh month, I stopped taking medication. My skin is much better; there are no bumps or spots like there was before I started the medication. I do still have a few red patches where the spots once were but I do see them slowly fading. I am now covering up with an oil free foundation.

(In the bellow photo you can see the faded marks on my face. I can tell you that today they have completely disappeared.)

Honestly I was worried that the patches would not fully disappear and hoped that with time it wouldn't be an issue. I slowly got my strengths back but still continued taking a few afternoon naps during the week. My lips almost immediately started to feel better and although I still needed to apply Vaseline it was not as frequent.

Would I recommend for someone with the same type of problem to take Roaccutane - Accutane –Isotretinoin? Defiantly not if you are planning to fall pregnant In the next 2 years. Not if you are prone to depression! Yes, if you have tried all alternatives and have not had any results. Yes, if you have the patience and stamina to go through a not very pleasurable year of feeling week and self-conscious. 

Well this was my Isotretinoin Experience and I hope this can somehow help you understand what it means to go on this medication. Please note that everyone is different and my experience might differ from the one of someone else. I defiantly recommend that you do not purchase this medication without medical supervision throughout the full period of treatment.

To those who are currently on the same treatment I was on; Patience is “Key” and a few things that might help your spirits are watching cheerful comedies, eating & drinking loads of fresh fruit and juices, keeping out of the sun (is a must to prevent scaring). 

Good luck! Xxx Natasha

Give a Little Love

It is quite easy to get lost in to our day to day responsibilities and end up spending less time with our partner. This is just one of the reasons that most people find themselves feeling neglected at some stage in their romantic relationships. With all our running around, who has time for romance? 

Call it romance, call it flirting, i call it "Giving a Little Love". 

Lets take a moment to remember the reasons you are in a relationship with your partner; It is probably because of the way they made you feel special. Or the little things that he/she did that made them special in your eyes. Was it the unexpected text message on your phone, or the surprise dinner after a hard day, or even the little compliments on your outfit or hair that gave your ego a little boost? All of these things were that special person Giving you a Little Love. 

So ask your self a few simple questions before you blame your spouse for neglecting you. Do you remember what he/she was wearing when you left the house this morning? It is half way through your working day, have you picked up your phone to send him/her a text message? Your are making a playlist for your car, did you add his/her favorite song to the list? 

If your answers to the above questions were "No" this does not make you a bad person or that you do not love your partner; it just means that you have probably been concerned with other things that have slowly taken over your ability to "Give a Little Love". 

Now imagine that you and your spouse have opened a joined "Love account" (a bank account where each of you would be depositing gestures of Love instead of Money. Remember that that the point of this account is not to see who has deposited the most, but your ultimate goal should be to deposit as much as you can to make your partner happy and avoid anything that will make them unhappy. 

Once your "Love units" start growing so will the feeling of being in love grow between the two of you. And if both partners follow the simple rule of depositing as much as they can, then both partners emotional needs should be met. 

Give your love unconditionally. Meaning that when you deposit a love unit you should not wait for the equivalent unit to be deposited from your partner. Remember that this is a joint account and both of you will prosper from the savings no matter who has added more frequently. 

Last but not least; learn to appreciate all the Love units that have been deposited from both partners. When your partner says I LOVE YOU, make sure that you are listening.  

"Give a little love."
xoxo Natasha

4 Reasons to say NO

say no

It seems like our lives have become packed with responsibilities and chores without enough time to do everything we have to or want to. When we were young children we seemed to be happier and given the chance to go back and be a child again, most adults would jump to the opportunity. But time travel is not quite possible (yet) and therefore not our best option. What has changed since then? You probably have filled your life with responsibilities and a full schedule that leaves little time to actually enjoy your life. Overwhelming oneself is a very common phenomenon in our day and age. We just take on to much for our given 24 hours a day and end up feeling exhausted and sometimes even unhappy with the lifestyle we lead. Of course we cannot just drop everything and act like carefree children but we can learn how to filter what really need to be done and when we should just say No. Here are some questions you should ask yourself before you take on a responsibility:

1. Do I have enough time on my hands to take on this project? If you already feel like you are working on overdrive to get through the day; It is probably not a good idea to take on anymore responsibilities.  Chances are that you will not be able to complete the task and if you do, it might be done poorly. Time management is a good reason to say NO. If you do not have the time, just say NO.

2. Am i doing this out of guilt? Is the reason you are doing something clearly because you will feel guilty for not doing so? Do others make you feel guilty when you decide to decline an offer? For instance; Have you agreed to go out even if you don't really want to just because your friend refuses to go without you? Are you feeling tired or overwhelmed but it is your day to go to the gym and you decide to go just because you know that your trainer will make you feel bad about yourself or guilty for missing a day at the gym? If the solemn reason you have decided to do something or go somewhere is do to Guilt then you will probably not enjoy the time you spend doing it and probably end up counting the minutes so you can leave.  Guilt is not a good reason to do anything so just say NO.

3. Disappointment? We might feel like if we don't manage to do everything we would like to; that we are probably going to disappoint and let others down. Everyone is human and if someone is not able to do you a favor you shouldn't condemn that person for not doing so. Humans get tires, get sick, need time to rest, need time to sit back and enjoy life. No one has the right to judge you; and the soonest you get this in to your head the more you will start making decisions for yourself and not for others. The people who truly care for you will understand and those who don't, don't deserve your time and effort in the first place. So say NO if you are just doing something in order to gain others approval!  

4. Do you always put others needs before your own? Do you spend most of your time worrying about the well being of others rather than your own? This is a very common state of mind especially if you are a parent. Parents tend to sacrifice their own time and energy for the well being of their children; and even though this is done with good intentions they end up biting off more than they can chew. When a parent or anyone else for that matter is feeling overwhelmed it is probable that they will loose their temper more easily than usual. That they will not have the patience needed to deal with situations that arise in their day to day routine and  they will probably end up doing or saying things they regret when they are frustrated or angry. The best way to take care of others is to primarily take care of your self. If you are in good spirits you will be able to share your happiness with others but if you are always frustrated and overwhelmed than others will receive the baggage that come along with those feelings. Say NO for your own and your loved ones well being. NO is not always a negative thing!

xoxo Natasha

3 Things none of us should forget

 I discovered who i believe to be a fabulous woman. Her words touched and inspired me. Here are a few things none of us should forget by Nadia Ballas-Ruta

Nadia Ballas-Ruta

1. Your worth as a human being has nothing to do with how much money you have or the degrees or any other material item you think you own. You don’t own anything except for how you live. When you pass on, the cars, the money and all the things you own will not go with you. They will stay behind.

2. Your worth is determined by one thing and one thing only: how much love have you given to life? Have you brought joy to others or just misery? I wish I could tell you that I have only brought joy to others but I have not. I have done things which have hurt people but I vowed to learn from my mistakes and not repeat them. Sometimes it is easy and other times it is hard.

3. Celebrate being you and being alive. Enjoy the journey. If you have goals, go for them but realize that the goals do not define who you are. How you go about your day says more about you than what you achieve. How you treat a stranger says more about you than how much money you have in the bank.

XOXO Natasha

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

First Born - Middle Born - Last Born - Only Child

Find out the traits and characteristics of siblings...

First borns are natural leaders. They frequently live with a sense of entitlement and even superiority. However, they often come in two "flavors" complaint nurturers  / caregivers or aggressive movers and shakers. As a rule, first borns are picky, precise people. Their attention to detail and order explains why accountants are overwhelmingly first born- they they love paying attention to small details. If you marry a first born, you're going to have some challenges in your relationship with them. First borns like to take charge. They are goal oriented, what complete control, and need to earn their keeps. They also have a strong desire to win. On the negative side, first borns are often moody and occasionally lack sensitivity. They can be intimidating, particularly by pushing people too hard or refusing to take no for an answer. They tend to be bossy, flaw pickers, and conscientious to a fault.

Middle borns are the most difficult group to categorize, in part because they get grouped together in uncommon situations. The key to understanding middles then is to think "rebound". To avoid conflict  and direct competition, a middle child will often go off in a sharply opposite direction from the child (or children) above him. The "classic" middle born (if there is such a thing) is very rational, tends to be a people pleaser, and usually hates confrontation. Middle borns are normally good team players, reliable, steady, and loyal. Middles aren't as comfortable making decisions as are first borns. One of the interesting paradoxes about middle borns is that while they tend to be mediators and negotiators, of all birth orders they are usually the most secretive, keeping things to themselves. O the positive side, middle borns are usually very calm. They are skilled at seeing both sides of a problem and eager to make everybody happy. On the negative side, middle borns have a difficult time setting boundaries. They tend to blame themselves when others fall.

The typical last born's creed is "What, me worry?" They have spent their entire lives trying to draw attention to themselves. They are often the performers, the class clowns, the life of the party. Because last borns are always learning to do for the first time what their older siblings have already accomplished, they have a drive to be noticed and thus can be very good at persevering. Last borns often chose people-oriented jobs. If you're a last born, you're probably one of the world's cheerleaders. In all likelihood, you are probably a generally cheerful person. You're an extrovert, energized by the presence of other people, and you're probably not afraid to take a risk now and then. On the down side, last borns tend to get bored rather quickly. They have a strong fear of rejection and a short attention span. Because of their people skills, last borns can be pretty good manipulators. The last born's "lovable" exterior can unfortunately sometimes descend into a moody, mean, and aggressive temperament.

The best way to describe only children is to take a first born and multiply him by two. In many ways only borns are extremely similar to first borns, but they take these traits to an extreme. Not only are they leaders, but they tend to be super perfectionists. Only children also live with a staunch sense of entitlement. If you marry an only child, keep in mind that you are marrying someone who has never had to share toys with siblings, compete for attention from parents, and has always had center stage. More than likely, your typical only child is a list maker, a scholar, and thrives on logic. Only children also tend to be very conservative. With people, only borns may be introverted. Only children are the mega-movers of the world. They are task oriented, tend to be extremely well organized, very conscientious, and ultimately dependable. Only children negatives can be tough to handle, martially speaking. They are often unforgiving, very demanding, hate to admit they're wrong, and usually don't accept criticism well.

Can  you identify with any of these profiles?

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

6 ways to make people like you

According to Dale Carnegie's Book "How to win friends and influence people" there is six principles to making people like you...

Become genuinely interested in other people.
Alfred Adler, the famous Viennese psychologist, wrote a book entitled What Life Should Mean to You. In that book he says: 'It is the individual who is not interested in his fellow men who has the greatest difficulties in life and provides the greatest injury to others. It is from among such individuals that all human failures spring.

You don't feel like smiling? Then what? Two things. First, force yourself to smile. If you are alone, force yourself to whistle or hum a tune or sing. Act as if you were already happy, and that will tend to make you happy. Here is the way the psychologist and philosopher William James put it:
'Action seems to follow feelings, but really action and feeling go together; and by regulating the action, which is under the more direct control of the will, we can indirectly regulate the feeling, which is not.'

Remember that a person's name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language.
The average person is more interested in his or her own name than in all other names on earth together. Remember that name and call it easily, and you have paid a subtle and very effective compliment.

Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about the themselves.
Listen intently. Listen because you are genuinely interested and others will feel it. Many people enjoy talking about their personal experiences and appreciate being herd.  

Talk in terms of the other person's interests.
The royal road to a person's heart is to talk about the things he or she treasures most. 

Make the other person feel important - and do it sincerely.
Ask yourself "What is there about another person that i can honestly admire?" Do so to radiate a little happiness and pass on a bit of hones appreciation without trying to get something out of the other person in return. 

Thursday, January 7, 2016

365 degree turn around

This time last year a lot was so different! I was not even pregnant never mind a mom and we were living in a different apartment. But from then until now, feels like a whirlwind of events... From finding out i was pregnant in February and announcing it to my family on my sisters 32nd birthday to making the decision at 7 months of pregnancy to move homes from the city to the village.  To have been hit with a curve-ball when i got the phone call in October that my younger brother was in a horrible accident which landed him in a comatose state and hospitalized for what we thought would be for a very long time and the fear of loosing him or he having severe brain damage. In November it was time to leave my brother to give birth to my baby boy, while the rest of my family struggled at my brothers bed side.

If anything, 2015 has taught my family and i a series of lessons. 

First and foremost it has taught us the power of faith;to have faith in God and in the strength given to us from God. After 2 months of battling a war that once seemed hopeless; my brother is well!!! he was given a second change and as it seems to us, he has been reborn.

Secondly,worries will come and go and its up to us how we handle them. This year has taught me to be Graceful and Grateful.

Third, plans will change and its not the end of the world. The say..."Life is what is happening while you are planning" so i have decided to live life as it comes and appreciate more of it then i have in the past. 

"To let go" is another lesson. It is not worth reminiscing the negative that has happened or that others may have conflicted upon us. Forgive and move on. Focus on the good in life and let the rest resolve it self. And if something seems like it can not be resolved then it already probably is. I am trying to accept the things that i can not change.

I am looking forward to 2016 and am just grateful that i and the people i love the most are in it with me.

Natasha G.

Monday, January 4, 2016

360 calorie breakfast for a breastfeeding mom

A 360 calorie breakfast high in protein and calcium for a breastfeeding mom.

1 wrap (45 grams) of El Sabor Wholemeal Wraps = 143 cal
1 cheese triangle (16.7g) of Lidl Tenery = 41cal
1 large boiled egg (50g) = 70 cal

1 cup of tea with semi skimed milk = 46 cal
1 tsp Wild flower honey =60 cal

All purchased from Lidl supermarket.

5 Ideas to make the most of the New Year

Let me start this post by wishing you a Happy 2016!
Inspired by the New Year, here are a few cute ideas to make the most of the next 365 days...

1. A Year of Dates! 

This idea of 12 dates (one for each month of the year) is super cute. Married or in a in special relationship these envelopes will give you something to look forward to every month and keep the romance flowing. 
Here are some suggestions for the envelopes but you can use your creativity to plan your own great dares: 
January - IMAX movie and dinner
February - Spa Date at home
March - rock climbing and lunch
April - temple and thai food
May - our date envelope included a special at-home date . . . so, instead here I share our date to see Riverdance
June - dinner at a local restaurant and card games at a park
July - a sleepover for two!
August - 9 holes of golf
September - Picnic lunch and hike and crepes (which turned into Vietnamese food and crepes)
October -  Wii game night at home
November -  movie and blizzards
December -  mall shopping date
This was an original idea found from

2. Personalized Calendar Love!

This year pin up a calendar that will remind you of the things or the people you love. Customize to fit your own personalty. Here is the calendar we have magnet-stuck on our fridge with the kids of our family. Tip: Adding the picture of that special someone next to the month of their birthday will make sure you do not forget any special occasions.

3. Save Challenge!

The bellow image is a great way to save-up this year; also it is quite self explanatory so ...

4. A Change a Month

Sometimes change may seem hard and overwhelming. But if you take it one step at a time things become more simple as it becomes easier to focus on one goal a time. So make a list of 12 goals you would like to achieve by the end of the month and designate a month to focus on each goal. 

5. Change your Ways!

Make the choice to change the things that are negative in our life; Because only you can!

Happy 2016!