Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Pregnancy Test

Its been bugging me for two weeks... Am I, Am i not?
Well my phone app has let me know that today would be my first day of my period if i was not 1 day late. And as all the information on-line advises to wait until this first day of your late period to take the pregnancy test. Today will be the day!
I am not quite sure that i am 100% prepared to have our first new addition to the family but i am hoping that everything will just fall in to place somehow.

It is hard to know exactly the date of conception as sperm is known to survive for a few days in the fallopian tube until the egg comes along. The method typically used to calculate your due date would be to count 40 weeks from the first day of your last period.

Using this method and if the test comes out positive...
Date of fist day of last period: 28th of January 2015
+ 40 weeks : November 4th 2015

So i went to the pharmacy and got my-self a home pregnancy test. The pharmacist handed me one called sensa-test and it is supposed to be 99% accurate.
How it works:
1line = negative resoult
2 lines= positive result  (if second line is faded it still means a positive result just with lower levels of hCG) 
0 lines= invalid (there might be something wrong with the test so it would be better to buy a second one)
    Here it goes.... 5 min latter!

Voila!!! its official :) we are pregnant!!!

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