Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Bucket List Ideas

Today i has looking through Facebook and saw that a bucket list was going around. People were ticking off the things on the list that they have done.
I took a look at the list and ticked off some of the listed, but to be honest the specific bucket list was not all quite the things that i would want for my self. So i decided to make one of my own with all the things that i have yet to experience.

I hope to be able to add a capture of each task completed on the list.
So here it goes...

1.       Have a series of my paintings/photos put in a gallery.

2.       Take my Husband/family to visit Portugal.

3.       Own my own home.

4.       Visit Brazil.

5.       Visit New York.

6.       Publish a book.

7.       Design a fashion line.

8.       Fall asleep getting a full body massage

9.       Write a song-Have it sung  

10.   Take my son to the cinema

11.   Grow my hair down to my waist

12.   Create a beautiful garden

13.   Make a series of funny videos

14.   Host a show

15.   Be on the Ellen show

16.   Open a business with my mother/father

17.   Spend a day with my father on his kayak

18.   Make a super gift for my husband (new car or fix his car to become good as new)

19.   Win the lotto

20.   If I win the lotto- travel the world

21.   Hug Vid Diesel

22.   Bake the perfect cup cake- then eat it!

23.   Have a big/tall Christmas tree

24.   Host a Family Christmas Party

25.   Finish the mural in my brother’s room

26.   Have a sleepover at a monastery

27.   Visit China

28.   Visit India

29.   Become a grandmother

30.   Have another baby

Thirty should be good for now ;)
If you have any cool ideas, feel free to share.


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