Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Pregnancy Nesting

At almost 26 weeks of pregnancy i have noticed my Nesting instinct kick in.
Nesting is the urge we get to start creating a home for our new born; somewhere safe, cozy and clean.

As we have decided not to find out the sex of our baby until its born... I have been keeping to a gender neutral color pallet as i start buying little bits and peaces for the nursery.
Sticking to tones of cream colors, wooden brown (crib) and highlights of turquoise. Baby pink or blue will be incorporated latter on.  All together this gives the room a little bit of a vintage look.

Yesterday was Monday and i started taking upon my self to clean the room that will be the nursery as well as the rest of the house step by step.
I would like to get as much as i can done before i become to heavy! Already bending over is not an option as the baby is a little bigger than the usual for 25 weeks; said the Doctor, at our last scan. This makes me believe that it might be a boy ;)

This week end we made our first purchase for baby clothes. Nothing much just 4 baby vests and a hat. Oh! and also a pair of curtains that i happened to find second hand in great condition for just €6.00 :) Nevertheless it was exiting to pick them out together with my hubby and imagine our little bundle of joy wearing them soon.

So yesterday was Nesting Day 1:
I ended up washing window, windowsill and shutters of the large window in the baby's room.
Then came the fun part which was hanging up the curtains we had picked up this weekend!!! It is incredible how curtains change the image of a room with not to much effort.

The next item i would like to purchase for the room is a double bed quilt in the same color pallet of the room. We decided to keep the existing double bed in the room to come in handy if we have guests over or for those night when baby keeps us up. I will probably also make use of the bed as a changing station.

Also on the to-do-list is to get hold of some of those small hangers for baby clothes. Luckily most times when buying baby clothes they come already on the hanger which is very convenient if you planning to hang clothes. But nevertheless i think it will be a good idea to get a few more. I know IKEA carries them and will probably be taking a trip there soon. I might also start making compartments in the wardrobe for the smaller items like hats, socks, mittens and other little items.

We are expecting in the beginning of winter so i want to make the nursery as cozy as possible. Hopefully i will be able to save up a little and get a nice rug or carpet for the room. Financials are really an issue these days so i will be looking out for a bargain.

Hopefully i will be able to add a few pictures of the nursery soon when things start taking shape.
But until then i still have a lot of scrubbing and cleaning to do!

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