Thursday, March 24, 2016

Baby Boy Christening - Theme Beach, Sea, Ocean

Summer is around the corner and this means that the time to Christen (Baptize) our little baby boy is coming up.

We have booked the date and the venue for the 11th of June. 
I would like to take this opportunity to show you the venue we have chosen as i am very exited to plan the Christening at LA MAISON VRACHOS.

This venue has both indoor and outdoor facilities and it is perfect for high summer temperatures as the indoor is fully air-conditioned, well looked after and every detail is given attention to. The menu is a full dinning experience with a large variety of main dishes as well as deserts.
The staff is very friendly and willing to help, the owner Mr. Vrachimis is not only a very good business man; attending to his customers needs personally but also very approachable and easy to communicate with.

So here are a few pictures just to get the idea of the location:

So as mentioned in the title of this post our theme for the Christening decor and through out feeling will be the Beach, Sea, Ocean. This theme was chosen because we all love the beach and our baby's God Father is a fisherman so we thought it would be well matched.

At the moment we are at the gathering ideas stage. And even though the venue will provide us with delicious deserts; we will be baking our baby's Christening cake and a few treats. Here are a few ideas we like:

I would like to make every table look amazing and hope that we can use a little creativity to pull of something like this:

Hoping to fill the room with little details to make the experience of every guest  special and memorable:


Friday, March 11, 2016

Holistic Massage Therapy - Business Cards

So after a full year of training, practicing, studying, working on study cases and cramming for exams... I am proud to be a ITEC qualified Holistic Massage Therapist.

 (last bed on the left ;p)

And with the excitement to share my knowledge and skills of  touch, healing and rehabilitation i have created my new cards that i would like to share with you.

xoxo Natasha

Thursday, March 10, 2016

From home to home- Our 4th home - Moving

Got engaged in February 2012 (not a very unique proposal story; it was Valentines day we went out for dinner and he pulled out the little box) and moved in to our little "house on the prairie" in August of that same year.

House Number one will always have a special place in my heart. We were a new couple in our small one bedroom little house and soon after we were married in June 2013 we also enlarged our family number by one with the addition of our then puppy lab Hugo.
This was the house that my hubby and i got to know one-another (you know... the little things that we keep to our selves before moving in together). I found out that my husband was a morning person and that i was not that much of a morning person. I found out that my stress levels were higher that i thought being the lady of the house. I found out that no matter how long we live in the same house my husband will always ask me where we keep the scissors, the hand moisturizer and how i take my coffee. I also found out that i was not the most clumsy person in my family as my husband was now the new king of clutz. It just goes to say that every time he will help with the dishes we will have at least one loss. Some of these new revolutions i found funny, some took a while to get used to, some of these bother me and always will. But this is all part of starting a future with someone and learning how to compromise and appreciate the differences we have. This house also  taught me that i could be very content home alone with my husband and puppy.
House No.1 was our first opportunity to pick out brand new furniture and appliances. I can tell that we made good choices then as we now in our 4th house and we have dragged those same furniture and appliances with us from house to house and they still standing! This was one dusty old house; as the walls were made from clay and the windows and doors did not have great sealing. So most of my cleaning house time was spent sweeping and dusting. Soon the thought that we may want to have a baby started entering my mind which both exited and scared me. But i knew that House No.1 was not a place for a newborn with all the dust so we started looking for a new home in October 2014.

House Number two was great fun! This was a huge 3 bedroom, one office, 4 bathroom house in the middle of town. I loved the open spaces of the house and having people over felt like a pleasure. I was able to host my sisters baby shower and have dinner parties with friends and family; this house generally created a more active social life.
House No.2 had me concerned about financials and it triggered me to look in to new interests and i spend a year studding to get my massage therapist diploma and certification. I am now proud to be a certified holistic massage therapist. Also it was a time for baking!!! yes i tried almost every flavor of cake in house number 2 and though seriously of starting up my own Home baking business.
In February 2015 i found out that i was pregnant with my baby boy Mario. This was a very exiting time for my husband and i. But financial concerns as well as 2 floors of stairs (with no elevator and a huge baby bump) pushed us to the decision to move again in September 2015.

House Number three was a roller coaster! Attempting to pack and move was a big challenge with my 8 month baby bump. And it seemed that we had accumulated so much more things in house number two which made packing and unpacking even harder. My husband and i made the decision to move in to house No.3 so abruptly that i believe we did not use very good judgement. Nevertheless it did at least help bring our financial to a more comfortable state as it was much smaller and also older that house No.2 also making rent less. But in our rapid decisions making we kind of missed large warning signs that the house showed to be prone to humidity & mold, no direct sunlight, a series of pluming problems, and a very nosy landlord who kept checking up on us to see the time that we woke, went to bed, what we cooked and even when we would order takeout. I must admit that opening the doors or windows started to freak me out as the landlord was always lurking around. If this was not reason enough to think about moving out our family had some extremely difficult times while staying in House No.3. My brother was in a horrible accident which made us  believe that we were going to loose him. It felt like i mourned my brother in that house many night in row. But House No.3 was also a place of prayer and faith. God herd our prayers and gave my brother a second chance. He also allowed my baby boy to be born healthy and we spent the first 4 months of his life locked behind the four walls of house No.3 which if not anything else kept us both safe while the rest of my family were at my brothers bedside. I think of that place and i cry... sometimes out of sorrow for the pain and difficult times my family and i went through; sometimes out of relief that my family is still in tack and that we are all ok; and other times i cry due to post pregnancy hormones ;p
So in October 2016 we decides to move again!

House Number 4 is where we are currently staying. This is where i am starting to learn how to juggle being a working mother, wife and my own housekeeper. I must admit that this is a challenge! We moved in one week before i was due to go back to the office after 4 months of maternity leave with what seemed like 1000 full boxes to unpack and a apartment to clean. Taking it one step at a time we are now in week 3 in our new apartment and the house although its looking much better from week one still needs a lot of work. These events have also been a reason for my very delayed posts on to this blog. This home is a one bedroom apartment on the 1st floor (with elevator) and its fairly new. I love our veranda view and the amount of light and sunshine that enters the house. This was probably the main reason i liked the apartment. I cant wait to see what this new home has instal for us and can just pray for God to watch over us no matter where we live.

I hope and wish that the next time we move we will be able to call House Number 5 our own. Steps towards this future goal have been made as we are proud owners to a lovely piece of land overlooking the village of Klirou (suburb village of Nicosia in Cyprus) and we have hired a very friendly architect to help us with the designing of our future home.

So this has been our moving home to home experience; an emotional journey of ups and downs.